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After taking the Twin Props Productions Film Workshop “Moving Up to Feature Film” with Hollywood Director Steven Bernstein, I realized some of the really cool secrets behind making a movie like “Decoding Annie Parker”. In fact, I guess they’re not really secrets now. But the world of film is quite fascinating.

How does one eventually see the image that appears on their screen?

One theory that seems to be in focus (no pun intended), is that we are filmmakers; not storytellers. The audience will impose their own narrative over everything we show them.

If that is the case, then isn’t that just like life? Do we just simply create a paradigm based on our perception and interpretation of life?

I find myself asking the age old chicken & the egg question – then what shapes how we perceive the world?

If you want to change the world, you first have to look at how you perceive the world. Start by changing your own perception. Then follow your intuition.

That’s what Steven Bernstein did to create the film “Decoding Annie Parker”. This movie was a way to create awareness and show the courageous story of a young woman, going through life, conquering the harsh reality of being a cancer patient not once, not twice, but thrice.

Anne Parker symbolizes so much more than what one can truly put into words. She is here to remind us that we can in fact, overcome cancer.

And we will.

Intuitively, Anne Parker knew she had to share her story. Intuitively Steven Bernstein knew he had to be the one to tell it.

If you are in the Austin, TX area on Tuesday, Sept. 3rd, a benefit screening of “Decoding Annie Parker” will take place at the Marchesa Hall & Theatre for the Texas Breast Cancer Resource Centre. Tickets are available on Eventbrite.

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Director Steven Bernstein will also be attending the screening. He actually just returned from ringing the stock market closing bell in celebration of Atossa Genetics’ recent listing on NASDAQ Stock Market.


Another benefit screening will be held in the hometown of “Decoding Annie Parker” actor Aaron Paul. On Thursday, Sept. 5th, in Boise, Idaho, a benefit screening will take place at 6pm at The Flicks Cinema (646 Fulton St., Boise, ID 83702). Charitable proceeds will support the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network and BRCA Gene Awareness. Tickets available on Eventbrite.

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